Thursday, August 27, 2009


Maybe it's because I'm feeling depressed with summer coming to an end and this has left me more sad and volatile. Or maybe enough is enough and I just can't take the ignorance of Americans anymore. I love my country. I am proud to be American and am proud, for the most part, of our history. When my country had the sense to elect Barack Obama I had a renewed sense of hope that maybe many of my people had gained some sort of insight. We were making a turn and it was a turn for the better.

Apparently I'm wrong.

The health care debate is all the rage and it seem that the majority of Americans don't like the idea of government interfering. Words like "socialized medicine," "communism," and other catastrophic verbiage is being hurled. Last night while I was watching television a piece of right-wing propaganda came on the screen. Actually describing it as propaganda is probably too generous. It was 30 seconds of complete lies.

1. The commercial describes how Obama wants to "impose" "socialized medicine" on us. The word "impose" suggest that we will be forced to use this health care system. That we will have no choice. First of all, the public option that Obama is advocating is just that--an option. Second, are we all not currently being imposed? What choice do we really have now? With the costs of health care skyrocketing over the past few decades, the majority of Americans are "imposed" to use the health insurance provided by their employers which often isn't the best. They are also "imposed" to stay in careers they dislike or even jobs that are detrimental to their physical and mental health. Why? Because they need the job for the insurance. They can't afford to pay for better insurance on their own.

2. With "socialized medicine" there will be a greater demand for health care and then the government will have to ration health care. Wait--you think there isn't a great demand for health care now? Currently there is a huge demand. It's just that many folks can't afford to go and see about that broken arm, the persistent cough, or that growth on their neck because either they don't have coverage or the un-met deductible is too expensive. And God forbid if any of their ailments are considered a pre-existing condition.

3. The commercial states that under "socialized medicine" citizens will have to wait weeks, months, even years to receive treatment. Guess what? I have coverage under the great private health care system and you know what? I have tried making appointments with various specialists lately and you know what? None of them can see me for at least a month to six months out. Doesn't sound that different to "socialized medicine" to me.

4. Lastly, the worst thing about this plan is that (gasp) we will have to pay for "free healthcare" for millions of illegal immigrants.

Look, my husband is an "immigrant." We went through the proper channels. Paid the fees, signed the paperwork. Is it unfair that many get into this country without doing the same? Sure it is. But let's face some harsh realities, people. First of all, as long as there is poverty and oppression in the world people will leave their country in search of a better life in another country. If that country where there is much poverty and/or oppression borders with another country which has better opportunities, the chances of people attempting to cross the border rises. For decades our country turned a blind eye to the immigration "problem." As a result, we now have millions of illegals here. We created the problem because we did nothing to solve it.

But you know what else? Americans seem to hate having all of these illegals in our country. We claim that they are draining the economy and stealing jobs away from legal unemployed citizens. How many legal citizens do you know that are willing to clean toilets for a living? And you know the folks who do such a great job on your landscaped yard? Or the ones who keep your laundry perfectly folded and the carpet clean? A lot of 'em are illegal. Oh, and guess what? More than likely, even if your name is Smith or Johnson, somewhere in your family tree you had ancestors who illegally entered this country either by sneaking across borders or as a stowaway on a ship. So, you have those illegal aliens in your tree a thank you for allowing you to live in the greatest country in the world.

As for draining the economy, you are aware that us "legal' citizens often pay for illegals' to receive medical treatment when they end up going to an ER or urgent clinic, right? Think how much more revenue would be brought in if they were legal and could pay taxes. Yeah, I know what you're thinking. You think they'll try to sneak around paying taxes. Well, truth be told, the majority of illegals wish to become citizens and contribute to this country legally, through real paychecks, income tax, Social Security, and health insurance. With any group of people there are always those who don't wish to pay. You know, we even have some of them in our group of good hard-working legal citizens. Ever heard of Wesley Snipes, Judy Garland, Pete Rose, Leona Helmsley?


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"She seemed glad to see me.... and by watching her I began to think there was some skill involved in being a girl." - Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird